Connecting people in crisis for TSF
Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) is the world’s first NGO focussing on emergency-response telecom technologies. It enables victims of humanitarian crises to contact their loved ones and begin to regain control of their lives, as well as building rapid-response communication centres for local and international responders. Awareness of French-based TSF was low in English-speaking media. Babel started working with TSF on a pro-bono basis to reach a telecom operator and technology leader audience, in order to attract more partnerships and increase funding levels for the life-changing work the NGO does.
Babel has been supporting TSF’s PR efforts in the UK for over three years, creating campaigns that shine a light on its incredible humanitarian work. To achieve cut through with trade media, Babel leveraged its extensive media network to position TSF’s head of mission, Sébastien Latouille as a commentator on TSF news, missions, technology and funding drives.
Awareness of TSF in the UK and the amazing work it does has grown significantly in recent years across tier one telecoms media. A top target for TSF is ‘Capacity’, a hugely influential publication covering the telecoms marketplace, and now TSF regularly features in both its online features and opinion articles – with a global readership of 1.18 millio
September 23, 2022