A trip into the depths of the Babel cellars
I like wine. One of the main reasons why is because, not unlike the world around us, wine is varied and diverse. The same can be said for the team here at Babel. A wide range of backgrounds, strengths, expertise and points of view all add up to a strong team and a great bunch of people that will (hopefully) broaden horizons and push you in directions you never thought you’d go.
Take a trip into Babel’s wine cellar, with a look at our 2018 PR team and some new additions to our racks. And given my overenthusiasm for wine, I’ve compared each team member to their closest wine counterpart. You never know, you might find something you like. You may even want to join us…
Ian Hood, CEO: Ian is akin to a Western Australian Cabernet Sauvignon – strong, flavoursome and ready to go. He is the PR oracle, if PR had an oracle. 14.5% proof, so you know you’re in for a good time whenever Ian is around.
Narelle Morrison, COO: Narelle is a striking Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand (although she’s actually from Australia). Distinctive and refreshing, everyone in PR knows what you’re talking about when you mention this wine.
Matt Humphries, Managing Director: A fruity Australian Shiraz, Matt likes a good time, has a beard, but knows his stuff and is the foundation to many a good evening. Matt conducts PR like a shiraz would – with added spice.
Sarah Alonze, Associate Director: An in-your-face, ready-to-go Argentinian Malbec. Full of heart and soul, you need Malbec in your life if you don’t have it already. If not, you’re missing out. Sarah does PR with fire in her belly and warmth in her blood, but also takes care of you.
Katie Finn, Senior Campaign Director: Otherwise known as Pinot Noir, Katie takes on the flavour of a Red Burgundy a soft and potentially unassuming wine. But once you crack one open, you know that there is substance here. Strategy and tactics: it’s all good in Katie’s eyes, and you know it will be sound – especially with telecoms.
Paul Campbell, Campaign Director – Paul is a natural orange wine. He’s cool, and you know it, because sometimes he wears jeans that are too short for him. He does PR like PR has been done in the past – on the phone; and it works.
Holly Ashford, Senior Content Writer – Nothing artificial added, cultured, and at one with nature, Holly is a natural white wine, but different to Paul. You won’t find sulphites here, nor will you find artificial yeast, but you will find interesting things that you hadn’t considered before.
Jen Atkinson, Campaign Manager – A New Zealand Pinot Noir, preferably from the Martinborough region. This is worlds apart from the red burgundy mentioned above, but no less interesting. Aftertaste of game meat; fitting as Jen lives for the countryside, not fitting as she is a pescatarian. Does PR with aplomb and vigour.
Ben Cole, Campaign Manager – A nice bottle of Meursault. A bit of a challenge sometimes, but quite rewarding if you can get through to the gooey centre. Does PR like he thinks it should be done (with guidance), and it works.
Sophie Payne, Campaign Manager – A slightly fruit Riesling, which can be a little stony sometimes (normally when there aren’t any biscuits). But it’s all part of the charm, and once you catch a whiff, you know the evening is going to be a fun one. Does PR like a Riesling – efficiently and crisply.
Dan Parris, Senior Campaign Executive – A Beaujolais: Fruity, light on his feet, and definitely not the same stuff that was around in the 80s. Dan does PR as you’d expect a nice Beaujolais to: with conversational wizardry on the phone.
Ed Cooper, Campaign Executive – Cotes du Rhone. Friendly, he is familiar and good for conversation, dependable and gets the job done. A good drop. Does PR and gets results, like Nike (and CdR) he just does it.
Declan Bradshaw, Campaign Executive – Declan is 100% a Tokaji, a dessert wine from Hungary with a dry savoury note. It’s quite an interesting drop if you take the plunge and broaden your horizons. No one can resist a dessert, after all.
Pippa Woodruff, Campaign Executive – A Rosé Provençale. HEYYYYYYY, it’s time for rosé and you know it! Doesn’t like the cold, needs surrounding warmth to be truly appreciated. Does PR with a twinkle in her eye and a smile, just like a rosé would.
Sani Aweida, Bookkeeper – Vodka. It’s not wine, but accountancy doesn’t lend itself to wine anyway, and definitely needs something stronger.