Babel beginnings blog - Joshua Hague

Babel Beginnings: Joshua Hague

We’re always evolving here at Babel and have recently welcomed several new members of the team. To get to know them and learn about their experiences as newcomers in the industry, we’re launching a new series called Babel Beginnings. In each instalment, we’ll sit down with our newest team members to hear their stories. Join us as our newcomers embark on their journey to navigate the world of Tech PR. To kick things off, one of our newest Junior Campaign Executives, Joshua Hague, shares his insights from his first few weeks at Babel and his introduction to the world of tech PR.

What sparked your interest in B2B technology?

During my time at university, I always found that PR was very B2C orientated. This meant that B2B PR was almost entirely unknown to me, which is what initially peaked my interest to find out more. I knew B2C PR was for the consumer, so what exactly did B2B look like? As I explored further, I realised that this could be a fascinating sector to be part of. The technological aspect, combined with the potential of the B2B tech industry, made me increasingly excited about the prospect of working in the field. 

Prior to starting your career in Tech PR, what were your initial thoughts about the industry?

It was intimidating, to say the least, I always thought you had to be super tech-savvy to work in this industry, and my knowledge was minimal in comparison to my assumptions. Luckily, this wasn’t necessarily the case. I’ve found that my foundational knowledge and thoughts regarding the industry have really come in handy, and this knowledge has only grown since immersing myself in the realm of tech.

What was the moment for you that made you realise you wanted to work in tech PR?

I’ve always wanted to use my career to do something that makes a splash, being a part of something that really makes an impact, and what’s had a bigger impact in our society than technology? Whilst there have been obvious waves in tech, for example, the way Gen AI has populated the media in recent months, it was other areas such as Green tech and sustainable AI that I saw as interesting possibilities for global-scale impact. It was once I’d learnt more about those sectors, that I knew I needed to take the opportunity to play a part in developing these industries’ stories.

How are you navigating the industry as a newcomer?

The industry is a busy one, with no day being the same as the last, but with that comes new opportunities to learn and grow. For myself, how I’ve navigated this fast-paced and changing industry, is to remain proactive and interested. As I said, there’s always a chance to learn something new, so I’ve made sure to take all of those opportunities, allowing myself to develop further as a newcomer.

Finally, any tips or advice for newcomers entering into the industry?

The one thing I would suggest is to remain organised. It can be overwhelming at first, so finding a way to stay on top of everything is vital for you to thrive in this industry. Things such as planning out your tasks at the start of the week, and setting daily and hourly goals, are all extremely useful and will ensure that you flourish in your new role in the industry.

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