Babel Beginnings: Rayhaan Folarin

Babel Beginnings: Rayhaan Folarin

We’re always evolving here at Babel and recently welcomed several new team members. To get to know them and learn about their experiences as industry newcomers, we’ve launched a new series called Babel Beginnings

In each instalment, we’ll sit down with our newest team members to hear their stories. Join us as our newcomers embark on their journey to navigate the world of Tech PR. 

Up next is one of our newest Junior Campaign Executives, Rayhaan Folarin, who shares his insights from his first few weeks at Babel and his introduction to the world of tech PR.

What sparked your interest in B2B technology?

My ambitions to pursue a career in PR developed whilst studying journalism at university. I knew I wanted to work in PR, due to my love of writing material in response to the news and investigating current global affairs. I honestly had no interest in B2B PR before I began job hunting. 

Job description after job description, the term “B2B PR” burned into my retinas. Naturally, I did my research to stay in the loop and soon enough, I was hooked. After that, I couldn’t see that phrase in an application without a little serotonin boost. When it came up in the job description for Babel PR’s graduate role, I could finally say, “I know what that is!”

Prior to starting your career in Tech PR, what were your initial thoughts about the industry?

PR was always on my radar before I graduated. However, when the possibility of Tech PR came to my attention, I was slightly intimidated, as my knowledge of the tech industry was limited. There was so much jargon and terminology that were otherworldly to me, that it made me feel like an alien imposter. But, as a journalism student, my force-of-habit couldn’t accept ignorance as an answer. The challenge to learn something new got my heart pumping. 

I experienced a bit of culture shock during the Babel graduate day, as I learned that most of the team weren’t tech gurus at the start of their careers, either. This culture shock showed me that the wall between our worlds never existed to begin with.

What was the moment for you that made you realise you wanted to work in tech PR?

It was a gradual process rather than a moment. 

Like many other people, I was (and still am, to a level of reason) someone who was very uncomfortable with the idea of AI. When I learnt of its application in areas such as healthcare, workforce upskilling and other educational tools, my eyes were opened to its positive potential. I realised that if more people were enlightened to its possibilities, less of them would be chasing it off with pitchforks and torches – after all, it’s not going anywhere. 

That’s something I want to be part of. The establishment of people’s trust in technology because, let’s face it, it’s scary!

How are you navigating the industry as a newcomer?

Step by step. I’m coming from a degree that I studied for three years and felt on top of the world. Entering this new industry, I’m like a baby and in order to flourish I must humble myself. As much as I want to hit the ground running, I must first learn to walk.

Finally, any tips or advice for newcomers entering into the industry?

Take on any and all advice given to you by anyone who predates you. Stay organised, take note of your tasks and take every mess-up as a learning opportunity. Don’t expect to be a superman in your first few weeks.

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winning B2B technology PR.
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