Becoming a trusted adviser on cyber security
The evolution of the technology has no doubt had a profound and positive impact on our daily lives, but in tandem, it has (and continues to) increase the threat vector, as entry points for cyber criminals have grown exponentially. This has in turn encouraged a worrying increase in the frequency and sophistication of attacks.
In mid-May the news of the global WannaCry Ransomware attack broke – an attack which crippled systems and organisations across 150 countries including the NHS! This attack unsurprisingly has pushed cyber security right to the top of the international news agenda, but even before this, you could barely go a day without reading about a new high profile data breach – it was actually before this attack took place that we decided to investigate cyber security coverage in the media.
From a media perspective, the result of this is blanket coverage of the challenges around cyber security and the impact of high profile attacks, but also a multitude of voices competing for that trusted advisor position when it comes to cyber security. As consumers and businesses; we are constantly advised on how to combat the risks we face when it comes to cyber security, but the deluge of information can make it hard to know where to turn.
Getting your message heard depends on the fast moving news agenda, but also on tapping into the types of stories and commentary different publications are most open to. In order to provide a view into cyber security in the media, we have developed a whitepaper analysing media coverage of this field on a more granular level.
As a search term, ‘cyber security’ is extremely broad, so we narrowed this down and examined the results related to four types of threat which pose a major challenge to businesses and consumers, which have provided major talking points in the industry for some time, and which receive consistent media coverage today. These were ransomware, malware, phishing and spyware.
To gain insight into coverage trends in cyber security and see more about our conclusions and recommendations on how you can stand out through your PR campaigns, you can read our whitepaper for free.