Lessons in networking - Making Connections That Count in PR

Making Connections That Count in PR

Networking isn’t just a buzzword in the PR industry – it’s key to building a successful career.  At Babel, we’re all about getting involved in networking, and this year’s annual UpOnTheRoof party was no exception.

The party was more than just a chance to sip cocktails and soak in the views (though let’s be honest, that was a nice bonus). We brought together journalists, clients, and prospects for some much-needed face-time that many have been missing since the pandemic. This year, we managed to dodge the rain — a true summer party miracle — and welcomed over 80 guests to our rooftop, featuring a mix of both new and familiar faces.

Let’s Party (with a purpose)

Networking with journalists is so important for PR professionals, as it helps us understand which news topics are resonating with the media right now. This insight allows us to craft compelling stories for our clients that have a real chance of gaining coverage. However, many PRs still rely heavily on emails and social media to connect with journalists. While these methods certainly have their place, they often struggle to cut through the noise — a key goal in our industry.

At Babel, we pick up the phone, we grab coffee, and we find out what’s really on journalists’ minds – the good, the bad, and the “please never pitch me that topic again”. With six PRs for every journalist out there, it’s worth taking the time to find out how you can stand out for the right reasons.

This is why events like our UpOnTheRoof party are invaluable for our team to chat with media friends, both old and new. These informal interactions often lead to those “aha!” moments where we really get what makes specific journalists tick. That knowledge is worth its weight in gold when it comes to knowing how to pitch a story.

This year’s UpOnTheRoof offered our clients a chance to mingle with our team and media contacts in a relaxed setting. They got to see firsthand the strong relationships we’ve built with both trade and national media, while our team had the opportunity to ask questions and get to know clients on a deeper level.

Babel UpOnTheRoof Party

But it isn’t easy for everyone

You may have seen that this year’s UpOnTheRoof party was also Babel’s 18th birthday celebration. Now that we’ve been on the scene for almost two decades, we’ve learned a thing or two about relationship building. While we love networking at Babel, we understand that it can be a bit overwhelming, particularly for those just starting in the industry. So, here are some tried-and-tested tips to help (from some true tech PR veterans): 

  • Seek out solo attendees: They’re often very open to chat and will appreciate your initiative.
  • Play host: Offer drinks and snacks. Food is the universal icebreaker.
  • Show genuine interest: Ask people about their work and experiences. Everyone loves a good listener.
  • Share your story: But keep it relevant!
  • Follow up: After the event, connect on LinkedIn to solidify those new relationships.

Building connections takes time

The key is not to sweat the small stuff. Thankfully, PR is not the kind of industry where networking is just about collecting business cards. It’s about taking the time to build up genuine relationships with journalists and clients. And once you do, these connections can help you navigate the challenges of tight deadlines and tricky pitches, stay on top of industry trends, and ultimately drive success for both you and your clients.

So, next time you’re at a networking event, take a deep breath, dive in, and most importantly, have fun!


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From the Babel team

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