PR analytics: data, creativity, and insights
What do dog food and the UK government have in common? Both rely heavily on analytics for effective PR! I wrote recently about measurement in PR. You might have guessed it’s a re
Measuring the impact of PR campaigns
I had a new business meeting last week with a start-up whose main focus wasn’t on our relationships, nor on how we work, but instead was on how we measure the impact of these thi
CGI models, ghosts and gorging on data – dissecting PR measurement with the PRCA
You might be a little confused by the headline, scratching your head and wondering what the hell CGI models and ghosts have to do with measuring PR campaigns. All in good time, dea
Chasing causality: How to measure PR realistically
In physics, ‘causality’ is the relationship between cause and effect. An effect on an event has to have happened due to a cause in its past. On paper the logic of this is s