Preparing for MWC 2025 - Start now

Preparing for MWC 2025? Start now

Looking out of the window as I write this, it is very clear that Summer is over.

As the last of my sun-baked freckles fade and the long nights draw in, the sounds of the festive season can be heard faintly over the horizon.

No no, not sleighbells! I’m not talking about Christmas here.

That feint sound is the opening of plaster boxes coming from the weary feet of Barcelona, with Mobile World Congress 2025 soon to be upon us.

Just like the holiday season, nobody wants to be the one scrambling around at the last minute to get organised and ending up disappointing people (sorry Dad, but in my defence, you did say you like old war stuff). Failing to prepare is preparing to fail as they say, and the consequences can be empty sales pipelines – and empty stockings.

For those in telecoms, MWC is the biggest event of the year. While it may take place in March this time, preparations start long before the holiday decorations (or LED-lit booths) go up. With new themes and big names shaping the conversation, it’s essential to develop your campaign strategy now.

Let’s work back…

September – Make a list (and check it twice)

This year, speaker submissions for MWC were earlier than usual, with the deadline set for September 20th – 164 days before the event begins. That probably says a lot about the volume of submissions the GSMA receives and has to work through, but it also gives an indication of how early planning for the show should be on your radar.

September is a great time to start honing in on the objectives for the show, as well as the big trends, themes and topics you want to be associated with during the show, and if you can tie them into the show themes, even better. 

It’s also a good time to take stock of what competitors in the market are doing – maybe through some bespoke competitor analysis… – and using those insights to further refine that list of messages and objectives for the show.

October to December – ‘Tis the season to build a sales pipeline

We’ve made our list and decided we want a feast of sales meetings with all the media trimmings, and if we’re honest, maybe just some comfortable shoes as well.

But you know how if you don’t regularly baste the turkey, it ends up all dry? The same is true for your sales pipeline. (Well, we’ve always been a chicken and lamb household but I swear everyone always moans about dry turkey right? Why have it? Get something you actually like you know? Treat yourself! Anyway, I digress…)

Companies often only think about the prep when it’s already too late, meaning any chance to build momentum is lost.

Announcements are great at this time of year, but we all know there are hurdles to getting a steady stream of news out of the door in Q4. Instead, consistent thought leadership in the media and strong messaging permeating through your owned content can be crucial to generating interest at MWC itself. It can be further boosted with some strategically placed sponsored content, if you have the budget.

Tying your messaging into emerging issues and aligning with show themes, while also not forgetting about SEO, can ensure as people start turning their attention towards Barcelona, you are top of mind and they are booking meetings at your booth.

Failing to do so means you could be lonely this Christmas MWC. 

January & February – It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like MWC  

As we enter the new year, attention should turn to engaging with media and analysts through pre-event outreach and booking in briefings. This means refining your messaging and finalising your briefing materials to ensure clarity and impact.

The timing isn’t an exact science, but there are some helpful tips and learnings about when and how to pitch in our      previous blogs and from our events with media and analysts.

As well as putting the finishing touches on marketing materials and briefing books, the new year is a great time to fine-tune the skills of your executive team and make sure they are ready to take to the stage.

Conduct a media training refresher for your team to prepare them for effective communication at the event. Practising scenarios and potentially tricky questions will help ensure everyone shines in their roles more than that kid who got to play Joseph in the year 3 nativity (nope, not over it).

If you were selected for a speaker slot, some presentation training can also prove invaluable as the show approaches. 

The Babel team at MWC 2024

March – Deck the Halls

All eight of ‘em!

It’s time to put all that planning into action. Get your best clobber on – but fewer blue blazers this year please gents – and head to Barcelona for the most wonderful time of the year (okay maybe that’s a stretch too far…)

Engage actively with attendees, maximize your media presence, and ensure your brand stands out amidst the hustle and bustle of MWC 2025. Following up with any no-show influencers and leveraging the quieter post-event period to maintain relationships can further solidify your media strategy.

With just a few months to go, now is the time to begin strategizing for MWC 2025. By starting early and focusing on the key areas outlined above, you can ensure a successful and impactful presence at one of the most important events in the telecoms calendar. 

If you need assistance in making the most of your MWC preparations, get in touch!

Of course, we can’t forget those people who don’t celebrate MWC at all. If you’re saying bah, humbug to MWC and think it has all lost its meaning and become too commercialized, then there are plenty of other ways to make an impact throughout the year. Whatever the brief, we understand, create and deliver.


Written by

Senior Campaign Director

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