Loupedeck announces evolution of its custom photo editing console, the Loupedeck+
Includes Skylum Aurora HDR compatibility and more customisation, following feedback from global photography community Helsinki, Finland – June 20, 2018 – Loupedeck, the custom
5G World 2018: News, speculation and (some) answers
5G to enable remote robotic surgery! UK telcos spend big in 5G spectrum auction! Europe lagging behind in 5G! Pre-2020 to deliver ‘5G lite’ only! China leading 5G charge! If th
Security Awareness Hindered by Lack of Time, Budget and Resources
SANS 2018 Security Awareness Report reveals maturity of corporate security awareness programmes and offers actionable insights London, UK – June 13, 2018 – SANS Security Awaren
Amazonian Sport: Internet giant steps into the arena of football streaming
Amazon has finally taken the long-anticipated step into the world of live football streaming in the UK and bought the rights to show 20 Premier League matches from 2019 for three y
Dashlane uncovers troubling password patterns
Virginia Tech and Dashlane analysis find risky, lazy passwords the norm NEW YORK, US – 23 May, 2018: Dashlane, one of the world’s most trusted digital security companies, today
Working from home – the best decision you’re yet to make
Let’s go back a couple of years to when I was young(er), perhaps a touch naïve, and eager to prove my worth. I had just moved back to London after a few years away at uni, and k
Let’s make every week a Mental Health Awareness week
I’m putting pen to virtual paper this week, to again discuss a topic that is close to my heart: mental health. This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, with the focus this year
Making the most of your ad-tech story
You only have to look at the coverage of the recent Facebook scandal with Cambridge Analytica to realise that the ad-tech industry and the issues surrounding it are very much in th
Media relations, and the importance of being a journalist’s best friend: PT II
Weeks into joining the team at Babel, I wrote a blog on the importance and evolution of media relations. In part II, I share media relations tips and common pitfalls for the PR pro
Media relations, and the importance of being a journalist’s best friend: PT I
Welcome to my first Babel blog! Having recently joined the London team, I wanted to focus on a topic which I personally feel is one of the most important within our industry: media