PR journey - AE to CEO

My PR Journey: From Graduate Account Executive to CEO

Continuing our founders and leaders series, we have none other than our CEO, Jenny Mowat. Read on to learn about Jenny’s journey in the PR industry, from a graduate account executive to steering the ship at Babel. Over to you, Jenny. 

Tell us a a bit about what you do at Babel…

I’m CEO at Babel, but what does that mean day-to-day? No day is the same, but the core pillars of my role focus on …

  • Setting and implementing the agency strategy – what do we want to be famous for, how are we delighting our clients day in and day out, overseeing vertical sector action plans and impact, pitching new business and more
  • Working on client positioning and impact – I still get a buzz from seeing client plans flourish, working on client messaging and getting under the skin of what the real business objectives are for a brand and ensuring we are making the right impact and outcomes happen
  • Driving our agency culture and team development – your agency vibe comes from every role and person within the team, and am a huge advocate of championing women in the tech sector.

I approach it all with tons of energy, opinions and passion. 

What do you love about your job?

Surprising our clients everyday with awe inspiring work that is changing the way people interact and view technology brands.

How did you get into tech PR?

I’ll be honest, I never sat down and planned out my career. It was only when I was in my final year of a history degree that I started to think about where I most come alive and thrive, which was when I was coaching my rowing team, fundraising, running my baby sitting circle and planning anything that needed to make a big impact with a certain audience. I then started exploring branding, advertising, digital marketing … and after a few knock backs, coupled with persistence, I actually worked with my dad on a killer presentation to knock the socks off my first PR interview. I went to the pub, elated from the buzz of my first formal presentation and nervous about the feedback … 15 minutes later they called and offered me the job. 

From there, corporate and tech PR has been the red thread in my journey to where I am now. 

Any advice for up-coming PR’s?

Just starting your journey in PR? Be a sponge. Absorb as much content and insights related to tech/PR/current affairs as you can from social channels, podcasts, reports, news and events. Learn and practise the art of networking both in person and via platforms like LinkedIn, and don’t be afraid to ask for advice or for people to be your mentors.


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winning B2B technology PR.
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