MWC: A call to action pt II
Only 18 days until Christmas (woohoo!) and for many of us this means just two weeks left of work. But come January 3rd we’ll be staring down the barrel of MWC 2018. Hopefully you
All I want for Christmas…is tech!
‘Tis the season to make wish lists. But, depending on the industry in which you work, you may feel pretty over Christmas before it’s even begun. In the PR industry, Christmas h
BBC Click Live: A veritable feast of fresh tech
Did you know that it’s possible to 3D print a tasty, hold-in-your-hand, fully edible raspberry? No? I didn’t either, until yesterday. Fellow Babelite Sophie managed to bag tick
Mobile World Congress: The Babel Years
Babel has been sending an MWC contingent to Barcelona for more than a decade. However, if like me, you just missed out on Cannes, you’ve probably heard ‘things’ haven’t bee
When disaster strikes
Google was recently given the green light to deploy a network of high-altitude helium balloons to restore cellular and internet coverage to hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico and the US
Mobile World Congress: A call to action
A collective “Is it that time of year already!?” resonated around the Babel office earlier this week, as the GSMA’s MWC registration email landed in our inboxes. Yet preparat
Technology: What is it good for?
When science and tech oracles Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking are warning of the dangers of technology, we know things can’t be good. Lethal autonomous weaponry, cyber bullying, fa
Don’t write off written content
There was a time when the pen was mightier than the sword. The impact of the written word on society, politics, and the arts has been transformative, devastating and controversial.
To Uber or not to Uber?
The news of Uber losing its London license last week came as a shock to many, a sizeable number of whom will mourn the loss of their low-cost, always-just-around-the-corner ride. S
What makes a smart city?
What makes a smart city? What makes a successful smart home device? The answer from last week’s Smartsummit conference is clear – unless humans catch up, collaborate & shar